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Writer's pictureAshley

How to Know If Your Child Needs Tutoring

Updated: Jan 23, 2022

Deciding when to hire a private tutor can be a difficult decision for many parents and families. Many will question if a tutor is too drastic a step, will it be too much for their child, or if the investment will be worth it.

Unfortunately, there is no magic formula or checklist for deciding whether a child should attend tutoring. However, I can attest that almost all children, regardless of level or age, benefit from one-on-one, individualized attention.

In this short read, I will give you 5 signs to watch out for. If you see any of these signs in your child, know that tutoring could greatly benefit them.

1. Struggling to grasp the basics

This is the age-old reason for tutoring. Each grade level is built on the foundation of the previous grades’ learning. If your child is missing basics, it will be very difficult for them to be making gains in harder material that is based on previous learning.

If your child struggles with numbers (kindergarten and first grade standards), they will struggle as the numbers get larger, algebra appears, or even the dreaded fractions! As you know, they will have a very difficult time learning how to do fractions if they are missing the key concepts of numbers 1-120.

With each day that goes by, children may be getting further and further behind. The earlier that parents, teachers, and tutors can identify the missing skills and teach them, the fewer daily struggles your child will have.

2. Below grade level and not making progress

When a parent tells me that their child is below grade level and is not making progress, I immediately wonder what skills they are missing. This is the major clue that they have not grasped the basics.

The way to catch them up and see progress is to identify the missing skills and explicitly teach them. So, if your child seems to not be making progress, it’s time to push pause and find out what they are missing.

3. Difficult homework times

Homework should be a meaningful practice of learned skills. It allows children extra practice with skills, the ability to generalize learning outside of the classroom, and gives parents a window into what their child is working on.

If homework is a constant struggle, or results in fights, tears, or a shutting down child, you are probably dealing with more than a lack of “want to”. Students who are highly frustrated are not learning or making progress. A tutor would be able to find out what is holding them back, whether it be missing skills, trouble understanding the material, or lack of executive functioning skills.

All of these skills can be addressed through tutoring, which will find out your child’s specific needs and will target them based on your child’s strengths.

4. Low self-confidence

Children who know they are struggling or behind will have low self-confidence when it comes to school and education in general. Self-esteem is developed early on and builds every day. Unfortunately, kids realize pretty quickly that they are behind or everyone else gets something. Just as it does with adults, it diminishes their confidence in their own abilities.

Private tutoring gives children the ability to work in a safe environment. They are free to make mistakes and fix them without the eyes of their peers on them. As they make progress, their self-confidence will increase and their view of themselves as learners will grow too.

5. Struggles with organization, time management, or executive functioning skills

Children who struggle with organizational skills, study skills, or time management will find that school becomes almost unmanageable as they move up through the grades. Papers and reports will be due that they may forget about. Hours spent studying may not pay off because they are not studying in a way that helps them learn. Perhaps they have poor grades because they often lose their homework and don’t turn it in to be graded.

These are all skills that can be taught, modeled, and reinforced to give children the skills that will help them to be successful at school, even if they aren’t struggling with the content material.

If you see any of these signs in your child, it may be worth seeking out the help of a private tutor. The earlier that we can help our children who may be struggling, the less they will have to suffer.

Tutoring gives students one-on-one attention, individualized lessons, limited distractions, self-confidence, and a mentor that has their back.

If you have a K-5 child and are considering tutoring, click here to sign-up for a free consultation. We’ll talk about your child, what you are noticing and concerned about, how tutoring can help them, and decide if we are a good fit. Helping kids learn and enjoy themselves is my passion. I can’t wait to hear from you today!

What other "red flags" am I missing? Let me know in the comments.

There are several benefits of 1-1 tutoring. Looking for private tutoring for your child? Contact Keep It Up Tutoring today to discuss how we can help your child succeed in school.

Are you looking for specific activities that are fun and engaging? Download my FREE guide that includes 9 examples of practicing skills in ways that children will love! You don't want to miss it.

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